Welcome Bloggers! Now here you can see many pictures and videos of the cute and adorable fennec foxes. For you guys who don't know what that is, well you can learn from this blog. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Introduction to Fennec Fox

Have you ever heard of a Fennec Fox?

The Fennec Fox is a beautiful creature with some surprising qualities. Learn about its diet, behavior, and how it has adapted to life in the Sahara Desert. You will also see why conservation of the Fennec Fox and its habitat is so important.Fennec Fox Photo Credit: National Geographic
What is a Fennec Fox?

The Fennec Fox, sometimes called the Desert Fox, is the smallest member of the fox family. It grows to about 1 1/2 feet high and weighs an average of 3 pounds. The Fennec Fox is dust colored, which helps it blend in with its natural habitat, the Sahara Desert. Probably the most recognizable feature of the Fennec Fox is its large ears, which grow to about 6 inches. The Fennec Fox also has thick fur on its feet to protect them from the hot desert sands.

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